Well, it has been a very long time - so this could be interesting, as I try to link to a couple of sites. I have finally managed a card for one of Keesh's color challenges (# 38), and also a sketch challenge from Karen Giron's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge # 84. I will apologise in advance for any politically incorrect methods I inadvertently use - it's purely because I am totally blog illiterate, and anything I may have learnt from my previous postings is hidden in the deep, dark and cobweb covered recesses of my mind. However I will try to recover what I can.
Okay, I have at least managed to upload images from the lovely ladies' sites - now to try to link to their sites. But first, a brief description of the card - I decided on seeing Keesh's challenge that it was time to try and get back into the swing of things, so I have used the stamps from Lovely as a tree (all products mentioned are Stampin' Up, unless otherwise mentioned), with watercolour crayons and water-misting in choc chip, ruby red and old olive (as these colours reminded me of a beautiful autumn afternoon), then I re-stamped with choc chip using a marker - so basically two-step stamping! Then a little colouring of the sky, with a waterbrush and baja breeze ink, and the ground, with old olive. Cut the image out using nestabilities and cuttlebug, and the mat from CC cardstock., and ribbon from my LSS. A strip of some DSP at the base of the card, with a strip of choc chip cut with a scallop punch completes this card.
The sketch SSSC84, was a perfect help once I had decided on the image.
Thanks for stopping by - I hope I can find the time to join in again sooner rather than later, and a big thank you to the wonderful challenge setters, who keep us all motivated with their inspirational ideas.